Twice Monthly 
Virtual Circle

Clarity, Vision
& ReInvention Circle
Hosted by Mitta Wise 

Join as a Founding Member
Membership area
Twice Monthly casual virtual get-togethers with other women
Clarity, prosperity, re-invention, journaling and visioning exercises
Wellness and success tips and resources
Occasional breakout rooms to get to know each other
Occasional partner exercises 
Connection with other amazing women on the same track!

Come Connect & Grow In Our Community... 

Join as a Founding Member and enjoy these:

*3 Month Memberships - Founder's price & stays the same $127
*Back Membership Area - Access to 20+ interview videos and audios of speakers - Re-Inventing Yourself in Changing Times.

*Bonus - Access to video replay of a 3 hour Soul Strength event with speakers

*Monthly drawings

*Energy Exercises PDF

It's like Yoga for the Mind, Body, Spirit... 
Same as 2 yoga classes a month or dinner for two...
 but with you & your dreams in the forefront, exercises for momentum & growth,
 as well as bonuses, drawings, opportunities, access and community!

Hosted by Mitta Wise
 Originally an RN from New Zealand, Mitta moved to LA, California and transitioned into a being a holistic practitioner adding holistic modalities such as hypnotherapy, reflexology, energy therapies & toxin free living. 
From there she has developed success & wellness online programs - both one on one and group. She has helped so many women go from stressed to purposed, challenges to success & blocked to creative... 
up-leveling their lives big time in the process.
I am dedicated to your growth, happiness and success!

The Purposed Program  |  Mitta Wise |  energyisnow@icloud.com